Sunday, March 29, 2009


This article was featured on Essentially it summarizes the amazingness that is the iphone, as well as the applications that it possesses. It reviews what applications are the most popular and the most useful. For example, they talks about popular applications: Kindle, pandora, goodfood, and etc. As an iphone user, I do use pandora, but not the other ones. Apparently there are a lot more iphone applications are supposed to be coming out soon. There are a lot of good and smart applications that the iphone has. My person favorite is "shazam." It's the program where you can hold your phone up to the radio and it will tell you what song is playing. I use that, my facebook app, my email app, and my gaming apps the most. I hope they come out with more apps that allow the user to send a recieve picture messages. What are the next generation of app's going to do for the user?

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